About Amazing


Together, we team up to maximize your revenue, increase customer base, and reduce costs. We utilize innovative and effective methods to review and address every area of your business from an "End-2-End" perspective.

We use an "End-2-End" analysis on business practices from the ground up. 

Utilizing a Six Sigma format, we are able to uncover and maximize all the most profitable aspects of the business model to ensure peak productivity. 

Any practices that need updating will be transformed into a highly efficient and profitable format.

Human Resources

We cover all bases of development and business standards. This includes loyalty and progressive career development.

We assist with hiring, training, and promotions; as well as reorganizations and all aspects of Human Resources. 

The focus is Customer Care, a comprehensive look at your customers and how you care for them through your personnel. 

We conduct secret “shopping” and/or focus groups.

 Customer Care is focused on your customers' perspectives regarding services and personnel.


We analyze the Return On Investment (ROI), as well as Profit & Loss Statement, Tax Returns and Balance Sheets. 

We strive to find ways to decrease the spending and/or allocate the expenses in the correct areas to maximize profits.

This includes contract negotiations with vendors, banks and during acquisition process.

 Our team analyzes all aspects from the business arena to competitors to ensure the best numbers are negotiated.